Guiding definitions
Unsure of how to approach a respectful conversation? We've generated a one-stop, easy to use page that can help you learn the language to better support your loved one.
Vocabulary suggestions
As the times change, so does the language. Here is a page that will suggest alternate, more supportive words you can use around your loved one.
Wish you could walk in their shoes to better understand the situation? We've collected some testimonials from youth in the LGBTQ2S+ community to share their experiences with you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have lots of unanswered questions? Unsure as to how to best support your loved one? Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate this new adventure.
Our Team
Come learn more about our team here at the Dandelion Allyship and why we set out to generate this resource for fellow LGBTQ2S+ allies.
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